new "pink" things in my room

oke, i just wanna share about my new pink things in my room. not to much. there just i sweet soft pillow, a curtain, a cover of dispenser (actually i dont know what the real name of this stuff hohoho) a wite board, a bandana and other. this accesories is from my lovely sista, NURMEINA FITRI SOFYAN calon bininya mas cece sofyan a.k.a mbak fitri a.k.a mbak mpit hehehehhe (^^v mbak..) thank so much.. :* :*

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Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011

new "pink" things in my room

Diposting oleh ms sunshine di 20.14

oke, i just wanna share about my new pink things in my room. not to much. there just i sweet soft pillow, a curtain, a cover of dispenser (actually i dont know what the real name of this stuff hohoho) a wite board, a bandana and other. this accesories is from my lovely sista, NURMEINA FITRI SOFYAN calon bininya mas cece sofyan a.k.a mbak fitri a.k.a mbak mpit hehehehhe (^^v mbak..) thank so much.. :* :*

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